
Category Archives: WEIGHT LOSS


Debunking Fats (Part 1): All About Cooking Fats And Oils

This is the first of a 3 part series, designed to help you distinguish between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats. My mission is to convince you once and for all that fat does not deserve to be vilified and the days of fearing fat are over….and…. wait for it…. I’ll bet you need more of this good stuff in your diet!

Let’s start with cooking fats and oils because that’s where I see a lot of confusion in my clinic. I could go on about this topic for a long time, but as per usual, with respect for your time and mine I will keep it concise. Please use the references provided and do your own research. Knowledge is empowerment.

Getting the right cooking fats and oils in your kitchen is a kitchen basic 101. It can make a massive difference to the health of your family as you are about to find out. If you are still struggling with the idea of fat as an essential nutrient, read my article entitled What the Fat here. First, let’s consider the physiology of the body and a few very key reasons why the body requires fat for normal healthy bodily functions:

For years, you have been listening to the old ‘swap butter for margarine’ story and get rid of all the saturated fats. Replace these with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated oils and you will be well on your way to a clean bill of heart health. Well, as a nation, I can’t say we are looking too healthy right now so let’s really have a look at the variety of cooking fats and oils on offer, under the microscope. Before we delve in too deep, please consider these 2 key points:

-Saturated fat together with Omega 3 fatty acids comprise the lipid membrane surrounding our cells. These 2 in balance make for a beautiful, healthy lipid membrane that allows proper exchange of nutrients and waste in and out of our cells. This is nutrition on a fundamental level. Without this process occurring efficiently, optimal health is impossible. (Fallon, S. 2000, read more)

-The Omega 3 to omega 6 ratio within the body is now universally recognized as fundamentally important. According to this PubMedarticle, humans evolved on a diet consisting of a 1:1 omega 3 to omega 6 ratio. The typical Western diet today consists of a 1:16 ratio (average). Elevated omega 6 is largely recognized as a major driver of inflammation, which is the basis for chronic disease. As you will read in the beforementioned PubMed article, it has been linked with all kinds of conditions including asthma, cardiovascular disease, cancers and arthritis. Directly quoting from this article; “A lower ratio of omega-6/omega-3 fatty acids is more desirable in reducing the risk of many of the chronic diseases of high prevalence in Western societies, as well as in the developing countries.”

Now let’s take a really close look at common household cooking fats and oils. I have written these analyses without bias. My objective is to give you the facts and in turn you can make your decisions also using the resources provided. Of course if you are or become a client of mine, then I do give you strong recommendations. And I have provided some of my opinions below the analyses so read on if you want to know my take on these products. I have missed some of course: I don’t have that much time on my hands! Contact me if you want my opinion on any 1 particular oil.

Canola Oil

Production: The canola plant was developed from the hybridization of rape seed in the 70s. Rape seed contained extremely harmful levels of erucic acid and thus an alternative was needed.  The canola plan contains less than 2% harmful erucic acid content (this passes the FDA’s recommendations). The canola plant produces seeds, which yield both the oil and canola meal. To extract the oil the seed is heated to extreme temperatures and pressed and then finally undergoes further processing to enhance its colour, flavour and shelf life. By genetic modification methods Canola is now herbicide resistant and many sources I have read recently argue that there is no non-GMO sources of canola left in the world today.

Characteristics: Low in saturated fat. 11% omega 3 and 21% omega 6 fatty acid. Over 60% oleic acid content (omega 9). Contains 0.2% trans fatty acids (Government figures: Some sources suggest this may be higher).Smoke point is about 200 degrees Celsius (mainly due to it being highly processed)

Further information / resources: Soyatech Canola Facts / Authority Nutrition

Vegetable Oil

Production: The term vegetable oil blankets any seed oil including canola oil (above) as well as rice bran oil, grapeseed oil,  sunflower oil and soybean oil. The process is similar to that described above but I did choose to focus individually on Conola oil as it is really in the spotlight at the moment. Vegetable oils were largely non-existent until the 1920s. The oil seeds are firstly sterilised and boiled once they are harvested to deactivate enzymes which cause degradation of the oils. They then undergo roasting to liquefy the oil within the cells. The final process involves either dehydration, extraction or pressing to separate the oil from the rest of the nut or seed. Further refining then occurs to ensure the resulting oil is both bland and pale in colour. This may involve bleaching to remove undesirabled colours, deoderisation by steam distillation and neutralising any free fatty acids with  sodium hydroxide solution

Characteristics: Smoking point between 200 (Grapeseed) and 260 degrees Celsius (Rice bran oil). High in polyunsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. Between 50 and 70% omega 6 content. Roughly 10 – 15 % omega 3 content.

Further information / Resources:Toxic Oil (David Gillespie) FAO Corporate Document Authority Nutrition 

Peanut Oil

Production: Made via the pressing of peanuts to extract the oil. Noting that cold pressed peanut oil has a deep colour whilst highly refined peanut oil will be lighter and less flavoursome. Please note that a peanut is not a true nut, it’s actually a legume.

Characteristics: Contains saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats in this ratio: 18: 49: 33. High smoking point and long shelf life. Contains no cholesterol. Contains both Resveratrol and vitamin E. Mainly omega 6 and 9, little omega 3 content. Flavours Asian dishes

Further information / Resources: Mercola / Proteco Oils 

Olive Oil

Production: Olives are cleaned and washed, all twigs and leaves are removed. They are then crushed into a paste and mixed for up to 45 minutes which encourages the oil to conglomerate. Note that heat may be added at this time, but that reduces the quality. The resulting oil, water and solids are then separated by centrifuge. Finally alkalising, bleaching or steaming the oil may be necessary but only if the olive oil is of poor origins.

Characteristics: High in phenolic acid, a distinct antioxidant. Also high in Vitamin E and K. 14% saturated fat, 73% monounsaturated fat, including oleic acid (which may reduce inflammatory markers) and 10% omega 6. Smoking point is debatable, some sources say it is low others say it is up at around 180 degrees Celsius.

Further information / resources: Olive oil source / Authority Nutrition

Coconut Oil

Production: Coconut oil is cold pressed or centrifuged from the coconut itself. Processing varies then depending on whether it is refined or virgin coconut oil. Refined coconut oil may be subjected to chemical distillation, bleached and deoderised like vegetable oils. Virgin coconut oil can be subject to some heat whilst extracting but not enough for the oil to go rancid. The less refined brands will have a milder flavour. The more heat it is subjected to it seems the more ‘toasted’ the coconut becomes and thus the flavour is stronger. 

Characteristics: Close to 90% saturated fat content. Mainly medium chain triglycerides which head straight to the liver and are burnt off effectively as an energy source. Lots of Lauric Acid, with antibacterial properties. Smoke point 180 degrees Celsius

Further information / resources: Authority Nutrition Food renegade Mercola The Sceptical Nutritionist 


Production: Milk is turned into cream, legal pasteurisation occurs to kill any bacteria. The cream is aged and held at a cool temperature for butter crystals to form, cultures may be added at this point and fermented for extra flavour and aroma. Churning takes place, buttermilk is then drained and salt may be added at this time. Butter is then stored and packed for commercial use.

Characteristics: Lots of fat soluble vitamins including A, E and K2 (essential for bone health). Mostly saturated fats, some long and medium chain fats too. A source of butyrate which is important for mitochondrial energy as well as being anti-inflammatory. Contains linoleic acid, which is widely accepted to be excellent for the metabolism and ‘fat burning’ in itself. 

Further information / resources: Butter production / Authority nutritionButter v margarine 

My opinion

Let’s now reconsider those 2 key points that I raised above. One was pertaining to the composition of our cell membranes and the other was about the dangers of a high omega 6 to omega 3 ratio in the diet. With consideration for these 2 points alone, I suggest you think quite hard about using both canola oil and vegetable oil in your kitchen because both are very high in omega 6. We know with absolute certainty that high omega 6 drives inflammation which drives disease. In addition, if we take a look at the processing of those two products, there is nothing real or natural about it on any level and obviously this goes again my entire philosophy. These articles by Kris Gunners (Medical student / well respected nutritional advisor) the Weston A Price Foundation and David Gillespie go into much more detail about the dangers of these highly processed, cheap, hydrogenated oils. I also suggest doing some good old Google searching for yourself, because more and more information is coming to light. Bottom line – question every packet with a health claim.

Coconut oil and butter have been vilified for such a long time for their high saturated fat an cholesterol content. What we now know is that saturated fat was never the problem in the first place and dietary cholesterol isn’t either. Still don’t believe me? Read this very long and very professional document released by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics on the 8th of May 2015. Directly quoting:

1. “The Academy supports the decision by the 2015 DGAC not to carry forward previous recommendations that cholesterol intake be limited to no more than 300 mg/day, as “available evidence shows no appreciable relationship between consumption of dietary cholesterol and serum cholesterol.” and

2. “It is also noteworthy that not a single study included in the review for cardiovascular disease is reported to have identified saturated fat as having an unfavorable association with cardiovascular disease.”

In addition, I stress again that our cell membranes are comprised of omega 3 fats and saturated fats. When we take in products like vegetable oils that are highly processed and partially hydrogenated, these fats then become a part of our cell membranes (remember that cells are constantly being remade within the body and if good natural fats are unavailable, other fats are needed instead).  When the cell membranes are comprised of ‘unnatural’ fats the membrane can’t function optimally. It becomes rigid and does not allow for efficient passage of nutrients in and waste products out. For more on this, read a medical team’s perspective here.


For these reasons, I prefer coconut oil and butter. You must also recognise that these 2 products are super concentrated with fat soluble vitamins and other super nutrients as already mentioned: Lauric acid and Linoleic acid. As for olive oil, the health benefits have never been disputed for this winner although I prefer not to cook with it – it has been hailed for lowering LDL cholesterol, having loads of antioxidants and lowering chronic inflammation. Cold pressed peanut oil I am sitting on the fence…. it can be a handy one to have around because it flavours Asian dishes nicely and can be used at super high heats. However, I do stress the importance of buying good quality, cold pressed peanut oil if you choose to stock it and using only on occasion due to its high omega 6 content.

For your information, this is what you will find in my kitchen:

-Coconut oil and grass fed butter, usually organic (please note that all butter from NZ is grass fed so you can’t go wrong there). I use these 2 for cooking.

-Extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil for dressing salads. Sometimes I brush vegetables with olive oil before roasting but I don’t use it for frying (mainly because I don’t like the flavour as much as coconut oil and butter plus I feel the jury is still out about the smoking point).

-Macadamia oil and avocado oil may also be found in my pantry. Macadamia oil can be used for pan frying as it does have a high smoke point and it has a superior omega 3 to 6 ratio; the best of all nuts in fact. Both are divine for dressing salads. Most cold pressed nut oils have lovely, delicate flavours and are nice for drizzling over foods. I sometimes have sesame oil too, but only for throwing on stir fries right at the end – its not good at heat, which means it can turn rancid quite quickly if subjected to high temperatures.

Unfortunately we do have a tendency to look at price tags (I can understand this!) and the nastier oils are the cheapest of course. But, as I continue to say, spend that little bit more money and buy your good quality fats and they add flavour on their own! You will save money at the end of the day because you will no longer need packaged sauces to add flavour. I also stress that every oil you buy should be virgin cold pressed. As you can see from my analysis, even coconut oil can go through some nasty processing when it is not in its rawest form.

Let’s keep it real. You will save oodles of money on your health in the long run if you can change your nutrition and lifestyle habits today.


Categories WEIGHT LOSS

Calorie Counting…. Should You, Shouldn’t You And Why I’m Not Sold!

There are so many weight loss and body composition programs currently on the market. Generally they have a common thread and that revolves around calorie counting and more often than not, calorie restriction. It’s time to free yourself from these constraints and fully understand why calorie counting is not the answer for long term health. Nor is it necessary when you adopt a real food lifestyle.

Firstly, let’s examine the history of the Calorie and what this term actually means. The first reference to the Calorie was by Nicholas Clémentin, a French physicist in 1819 and it wasn’t in context with food (Hargrove, J. 2006). Nicholas lectured at a Paris university on the topic of the thermodynamics of steam in relation to powering engines.  From this, understand that the Calorie is simply a unit of measurement in the metric system used to describe the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree.   Fast forward to 1960 and the Calorie become an integral measurement of food energy. Today you can’t turn around in a coffee shop without hearing someone say “I wonder how many calories are in that!?”

In terms of food, the Calorie is now used to describe the amount of energy a person will obtain from that food. Carbohydrates are recognised as containing 4 calories per gram and the same for protein; fat has been vilified because it contains more than double the calories at 9 per gram.  What’s interesting is how these numbers were determined in the first place. Many decades ago, a food source was placed in a sealed contained and filled with water. The food source was then burned with electrical energy until it was completely gone and scientists measured the temperature of the surrounding water to determine how many degrees it had risen. The above results were determined in this manner and today every single food lists the number of Calories per serving. Popular diet plans are built around a daily Calorie allowance and exercise machines measure the amount of Calories burned in a session.

Let’s take a step back for a moment. Over 150 years ago, Calories were used in the context of powering engines…. Later food was burnt in a chamber and assigned a magic number….. Today, I can’t go out for coffee with my girlfriends without them stressing about going over their daily calorie allowance?

I know this is harsh, but I am really trying to get a point across here. To be really honest and fair, I do see that there is some place for Calories as a unit of measurement for food energy, but the current compulsion to count calories in and calories out is simply not working. Plus, Calorie counting in isolation teaches people absolutely nothing about food! Finally, other factors need to be considered as well. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Calories are not a measurement for nutrition. Two foods may have precisely the Calories in v calories outsame number of calories but they will have completely different micronutrients. Micronutrients refer to substances that are essential for life and include vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, folate, antioxidants and phytonutrients. Furthermore, both fats and protein tend to provide far more micronutrients than carbohydrates. These foods are more ‘nutrient dense.’
  • Calories disregard satiety completely. Satiety is a concept referring to being ‘satisfied’ following a meal. A meal that is mostly comprised of carbohydrates will yield very little satiety and result in a blood sugar rollercoaster effect (this has its own problems that I won’t go into here). A different meal with the exact same number of Calories from less carbohydrates but including some protein and fats will yield far great satiety. This means that the consumer feels fuller for longer and is less likely to reach for a sugary snack in just a few hours’ time.
  • Calorie counting does nothing to educate consumers about good food choices and may result in a very poor diet. Take a large orange as an example, which contains about 80 Calories. A fun sized Mars bar ironically contains the same number of Calories. Are the two equal? Certainly not. Should a fun size Mars bar be a regular feature in the diet of someone needing to lose weight or improve their health in other ways? No. An orange on the other hand, may be a suitable option. Similarly, a 2000 calorie diet containing soft drink, chocolate bars, pasta and take away is completely different from a 2000 calorie diet built around good quality meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds and unrefined carbohydrates.

Within the context of a well formulated real food lifestyle, calorie counting is largely unnecessary. Remember there are many different variations of real food living, however they are all built on a common foundation. This foundation calls for a reduction in refined carbohydrates and eating foods in their most unrefined state. In their unrefined state, foods naturally contain more protein and fat.  To simplify this foundation even further? Just. Eat. Real. Food (JERF). When people turn back to real food, several things happen:

  • We get greater satiety, meaning we are fuller for longer. Personally I find eating fewer meals in a day far more convenient than consuming 5-7 as some diets recommend. Calorie counting is not needed because instead, your own body will signal when it needs its next meal. This is because real food sources contain more good fats and protein. The highly processed ‘carbage’ is gone (thanks Jimmy Moore for this term, I love it.). Often there is a natural reduction in Calorie intake anyhow, with this style of eating because people simply feel satisfied instead of waiting ravenously for each meal.
  • We get more consistent energy levels. Again, this is due to the increased fat in the diet and the reduction in highly refined carbohydrates. Instead of a blood glucose / insulin rollercoaster rider (which is a stressful and inflammatory process), we get sustained energy from food benefiting both mental and physical performance.
  • We naturally get more micronutrients in the diet. As previously stated, highly refined carbohydrates offer little in terms of nutrition. The real nutrients are in protein, good fats, fruits, vegetables and less refined grains.
  • Other pro inflammatory substances such as gluten, refined sugar, Trans fats and preservatives are largely eliminated from a well formulated real food lifestyle. This has enormous benefits to digestion, gut health and in the management of chronic disease.
  • Finally, 1 of my favourites. Real food tells you when enough is enough. Consider the Mars bar and the orange. Are you going to stop at 1 little bite sized morsel of a Mars Bar? Probably not. On the other hand is one large orange likely to turn into 2 or 3? Doubt it. Let me tell you food manufacturers are smart! They know exactly what to put into their products to keep you coming back over and over and over again.

So in summary, real food living means greater satiety, more nutrients, less carbage and intuitive eating. On the other hand, a typical calorie counting diet involves kitchen scales, calculators, ‘lite’ processed foods and an enormous amount of stress. Please don’t jump up and down and attack me over this article – I know many people have lost weight counting calories. BUT my point is – long term, its a no go. And nutrition is far more important than heat energy content. Plus, I know which lifestyle I’d prefer.

(A note for the chemists out there: I understand that the true calorie describes the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1gof water by 1 degree and what I am actually speaking of is technically a kilocalorie. However, the kilocalorie is largely accepted to be called a Calorie in the context of nutrition and this article is intended to simplify this information for the general public so that they may benefit from it.)

Reference: Hargrove, J. 2006 History of the Calorie in Nutrition, JN Journal of Nutrition, retrieved 29th April 2015 available from http://jn.nutrition.org/content/136/12/2957.full

you just have to eat right


What The Fat?

A couple of recent conversations have inspired this blog post today. It seems there is still a lot of confusion out there about macronutrients and the true meaning of real, whole foods. In the interest of your time and mine, I will keep this brief and I encourage you to send me an email or book a consultation if you are still confused about this topic.

Firstly, let’s revisit the basics. The low fat era has well and truly been done and it’s no place to revisit. The low fat era inspired a fear campaign which resulted in people moving away from foods in their natural state and instead turning to highly processed ‘food like substances’ with added sugars and chemicals – they had to add something for the sake of the flavour that was lost when all the fat was removed. This has resulted in imbalances in the diets of everyday people and I see this on a daily basis in clinic. For more information about the history of food manufacturing and the food pyramid specifically you should watch That Sugar Film and read Death by Food Pyramid.

Almost every client that begins working with me has the following characteristics in common:

-The majority of their diet (upwards of 80% of total intake) is from starchy carbohydrates such as breads, cereal and pasta. Most of these are struggling with weight management and have corresponding insulin resistance.

-Their sugar intake is above 20g per day and sometimes much higher (added sugar). This is usually a bit of a shock to them as they aren’t actually eating many sweets or lollies! The main culprits for this are yoghurts, snack bars and the dreaded cereal once again.

-They lack quality sources of protein and their overall intake is generally well below what is required especially the athletes that I see.

-Fat. There is no fat. Or very little. It is avoided at all costs. It is demonised. It’s a massive mindset shift when I suggest that this is the first thing that needs to be changed.

If you are still concerned about fat and its role in cardiovascular disease or obesity please review the following resources. You should note that sugar and excess refined carbohydrates are now being implicated in many chronic diseases :

Resource 1: See Christine Cronau’s page for a long list of studies on the importance of fat in the diet and what is truly at the heart of the issue: http://christinecronau.com/studies/

Resource 2: What if Saturated Fat is not The Problem? (By a professor of Biochemistry).

Resource 3: Pasta, Not Bacon, Makes you Fat Dr Joseph Mercola

You can also read about how an entire country have overhauled their nutritional guidelines in this article; “Sweden Becomes First Western Nation to Reject low Fat Diet.”

Please note that the majority of Australians are now deficient in the fat soluble vitamins which are essential for normal, healthy body functions. Of particular concern are vitamin D and vitamin K deficiencies. Hello osteoporosis.

Guess what our hormones are made from? Fats! (And proteins too). Signs of hormone imbalances may present in the form of weight gain, skin conditions, painful periods, low libido and mood swings. This can then lead to much more serious conditions like absence of period (Amenorrhoea), infertility and common gynaecological conditions such as Endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).  PCOS warrants special note here because it goes hand in hand with insulin resistance and increases ones likelihood of developing diabetes later in life (read more here). Managing PCOS well and minimising complications comes down to lifestyle and diet. Reducing starchy and sugary carbohydrate sources and including lots of good, healthy fats and moderate protein can turn this condition around. I know from both personal and professional experience.

On a more basic level, by including healthy fats in all meals your satiety will be greatly increased. This means you will be satisfied for longer; I can start my day off with a 3 whole egg omelette with vegetables cooked in coconut oil or organic butter and I’m good to go for up to 8 hours if I absolutely have to. In addition, by choosing to not ride the sugar / insulin rollercoaster, your energy levels will be far more stable throughout the day and your cravings will be curbed.

Let me return here to my non-negotiable = Real Food. Real food comes with fat, not without it. This is the way nature intended. Once you start removing fat, you also remove a great deal of nutrients and add back in a lot of nasties. Please note that ‘fortifying’ ‘lite’ foods with vitamins and minerals does not equate to the same bioavailability as these nutrients in their natural state.

Finally, if you want to continue counting calories, trimming the fat and unwrapping packets instead of washing and cooking real food, my style is not really going to help you. But rest assured, there are plenty of other companies out there providing just this. I on the other hand, am on a mission to help people count nutrients, not calories, eat intuitively and march to the real food drum. I don’t engage in coffee table chit chat about how many calories I am ‘allowed’ to eat every day and I certainly don’t want to hear about the low fat, non-fat, highly processed version of meat / yoghurt / milk / cereal / cake / snack bar or chocolate that you just discovered.

To end, remember that balance is key. I am not suggesting that every one of your meals from this point forward should revolve around bacon, merely that each food group has its place and we don’t need to be extremists to be healthy.

Got questions? Book your consultation here. Share this with anyone else in your life that needs a real food update.

Categories Diabetes, SUGAR, WEIGHT LOSS

Thriving With Diabetes

Meet Ray. According to the statistics listed on the Diabetes Australia website, Ray is 1 of the 960,000 Australians living with type 2 Diabetes. With over 280 Australians being diagnosed with diabetes every day, its no wonder its being labelled as an ‘out of control pandemic’ requiring urgent and immediate attention.

Ray was diagnosed over 10 years ago by his GP and was prescribed a mixture of medication to control his blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels. For the next few years, things generally remained stable; the symptoms were managed, but their were no real improvements to his overall health. About 3 years ago, it seemed that things were starting to deteriorate. Ray’s weight and blood pressure were gradually but steadily increasing and so were his blood sugar readings. A stern warning from his GP that a more sustainable approach was required, prompted Ray to take matters into his own hands and do something to really address the underlying cause of his conditions. The alternative was pretty grim; if his health did not improve then he would be become insulin dependent.

Over the next 6 months, we began addressing Ray’s diet and exercise habits. Remember that Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance. In simple terms, this means the body can not control blood sugar levels and has major problems metabolizing glucose normally. Despite being directly related to diet, we don’t seem to focus on this aspect enough; many diabetics unfortunately don’t understand how to eat for their condition. The first switch was to a real food diet, with less starchy and sugary carbohydrates and some more protein and good fats to stabilize blood sugar levels. In addition, Ray began exercising consistently; walking every single day, sometimes up to 12km at a time. 6 months on, back in his GP’s office, he was bar  ely recognizable and needless to say, his Doctor was impressed. His medication was reduced as all of his health markers had improved.

The journey continued for another 18 months and still continues today. Ray has learnt through close self monitoring which foods he is able to enjoy abundantly and what he really needs to stay away from. We have more recently adopted a ‘low carbohydrate, higher healthy fat’ diet and all health markers continue to improve. With the use of some concentrated nutritional medicine supplements alongside his current medication his blood sugar readings are still coming down. His Doctor fully supports his desire to come off Metformin as he is now managing his condition with diet and lifestyle. His current dosages of Metformin are at the absolute minimum and in coming weeks he will be off this altogether.  His weight loss to date is over 30kg, he engages in hot yoga, brisk walking and some strength training for exercise and in June he will summit Mt Kenya in Africa.

The point of this post is to show you that a diagnosis of diabetes (or similar) is not a sentence. Its an indication that something isn’t working right and its time to re-evaluate. Medication has its place of course and is critically important. However, one must absolutely look beyond managing symptoms and also address the underlying cause. According to the Diabetes Australia website, “up to 58% of cases of type 2 can be prevented and we know that good blood glucose control and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can significantly improve the complications associated with diabetes.” If you or someone you know suffers from this condition and they are in need of some assistance to manage it long term, take a look at my Work with Me page because I’m committed to reversing the statistics. The risk factors for diabetes should also be noted: impaired glucose tolerance, high fasting blood glucose, overweight, belly fat, high blood pressure, lack of exercise, smoking, PCOS or PCO (females), high cholesterol and a poor diet in general. Prevention is better than cure in my view and its never to late to improve your health.