
Habits 4 Health is for you if:

  • You are really confused about food… but you do want to look after yourself as best as you can…
  • You know it surely can’t be that complicated… but you are looking for someone who will speak commonsense… and help you navigate facts from fad!
  • You don’t want to diet. You just want to know what you should be doing, most of the time, for the long term.
  • You are busy. You have work. Family. Weekend stuff. A bit of social life on the side that you’d like to maintain.
  • You know you need to change and improve things BUT you also don’t want to give up all things that bring you joy…

If this is you, you are in the right place!

Habits 4 Health 4 Life is about building 10 foundational habits into your life that are imperative for overall health, wellbeing and happiness….
Plus we work 1 to 1 so I really make sure that we build these into your lifestyle in a way that works for you and….
We can laser focus on other ‘key concerns’ you may have such as your skin or your digestion or your hormonal health too!


So Habits 4 Health is the best of both worlds… it’s about building healthy foundations that ALL of us should be doing BUT then layering extra changes and adaptations depending on your key area of concern. And you have a nutritionist in your ear for a good 5-6 months to support you to make these changes and to make them stick!


 A Little About Me….

I’m Katie King aka the Balanced Nutritionist.
I’ve been a practicing Nutritionist for over 10 years.
I speak common sense. I choose balance over perfection. I love delicious, healthy food but I also enjoy wine and chocolate too.
I am a ‘no numbers’ nutritionist. This means I don’t do calorie counting (because food can not be resorted to numbers) and I won’t ask you what you weigh (unless you really want to use weight as a measure of progress AND you can confirm that weighing does not impact your mental health).

There’s a lot of complicated and conflicting advice out there. But really, it’s not that tricky. There are some simple actions that we need to take consistently in our daily lives to have a big impact on our health and happiness. Building these simple truths into your daily life is what Habits 4 Health 4 Life is all about. 

I like cooking, running with my dog, hiking with my little girl on my back, going for picnics, the beach and reading. 

What you will have to do and what you won’t have to do:

  • You will need to show up for 5 x nutrition consultations with me, roughly 4-5 weeks apart, conducted via zoom…
  • You will need to be willing to make some changes to your nutrition.
  • You will need to keep a food diary for some or all of the program.
  • You can, if you like, join my online community to stay accountable and on track between consults.
  • You will need to work on your mindset… as well as your lifestyle. You need to celebrate your wins, love your own body again and give yourself a break when you aren’t perfect. 
  • You won’t have to change every meal you eat; this program is more about ‘tweaking.’
  • You will need to do a bit of ‘homework’ between consults via some online course material. I.e. you will NOT be spoon-fed on this program. Change comes from within.


What exactly is included in this offer:

  • 5 x nutritional consultations (4 x 50 minutes, 1 x 60 minutes)
  • Online course access
  • Weekly email check-in
  • Option to join Facebook online community
  • Initial supplementation to support individualized goals
  • Program duration = roughly 5 to 6 months.

Usual price = $799. Launch price $749.
Or grab a partner/friend and pay only $599 each*


How do you secure this offer?

  • Book a discovery call by phoning 07 3063 2710 or via online bookings.
  • Pay a deposit** of $50 by COB August 8th.(if you book your discovery call online we will phone you to organize the deposit. If you book the call via phone, we will ask for a credit card to pop it through or send you an invoice).
  • Provide full payment for the program by the end of September 2022. (You can start as early as mid-August).

*If you are taking the 2 for less offer, the first consult will be separate i.e. 1 on 1 and the remaining 4 consults will be conducted as 2 on 1.
**If you decide, following a discovery call that the program is NOT for you your deposit will be refunded in full less a merchant fee of roughly $2.