
Nutritionist in Brisbane – Cleaning

The easiest way to work with us? From your own home, in your own time, via our online courses.

We’ve wrapped up all of our wisdom into several online courses you can access from the low price of $39. If you’re ready to start on a journey to your healthiest, happiest self TODAY visit our courses homepage for more information.

Our Habits for Health eCourse is a perfect place for EVERYBODY to start.

  • Discover the 9 key health habits, we ALL need to cement in our daily lives
  • Be guided to adopt these habits via a structured program in a way that will help them ‘stick’ for life
  • Includes lifetime access to online course material and a workbook to take you through each lesson

Warning: this program will change your health for life for a whopping $39. It’s not a fad. It’s not about the next 8 weeks. It’s about you being the healthiest version of you forever.

Even if you are certain you need 1 on 1 support via appointments with us, the Healthy Habits eCourse is still a brilliant course to work through alongside individualized support. 

Our Back to Basics eCourse focuses more specifically on food and working out what foods might suit you best. It’s a great course to jump into OR to complete after you have worked through Habits for Health. Back to Basics will assist you to:

  • Break up with sugar cravings
  • Sort out your poop!
  • Find your healthy weight range
  • Sort out your relationship with food
  • Work out what foods are best for YOU
  • Feel confident in your own skin
  • Go from feeling blah to feeling fab

NO calorie counting, NO macro tracking, NO shakes. NO measuring. Just good whole foods. Get started for as little as $99. Read more here.


We are Brisbane Nutritionists and Metabolic Balance Practitioners

You’ve been told time and time again, there’s nothing wrong with you, yet you still feel exhausted, unwell, and above all else, unheard?

You want to know exactly what food is right FOR YOU… because you are unique so your nutrition and lifestyle should be too.

You’ve tried every ‘diet’ (dirty 4 letter word) under the sun, and every exercise program there is only to become more exhausted and further from feeling healthy than ever before?

You can’t put your finger on it, but something you’re eating is wreaking havoc with your system and your guts are just not right!

You are so completely confused, stressed out, and utterly sick of all the ‘noise’ in the health and nutrition space that you have NO IDEA what on Earth you should be eating, drinking, or doing to achieve health?

Well. Hello there. If 1 or all of these relate to you, you’ve totally come to the right place. We are pleased to meet you. We are Brisbane Nutritionists Katie King and Nicole Bence. We specialize in optimizing your nutrition to maximize your health and quality of life. All of our wisdom is accessible to you right now, via our online courses Back 2 Basics and Habits for Health. We are also experts in ‘food as medicine’ using the world-renowned, Metabolic Balance nutrition program. You can start with an eCourse NOW and/or book a zoom/phone consultation with us here. (N.B. Please read What to Expect before booking an initial consult).

In The Media


My journey back to health in the Courier Mail


Podcast, The Real Food Reel with The Natural Nutritionist.


A plan completely unique to you, your pathology, your body and even your health conditions and medications? Metabolic Balance is the answer. This program is a true ‘food as medicine’ approach to restoring health and vitality not for a season, but for a lifetime.

It’s a fully supported program over 3-6 months. It’s not about instant change, it’s about long-term success.  We will guide you, hold you accountable and assist you to create a new, healthier lifestyle. This program will dramatically improve your quality of life even if you have complicated medical conditions. It will also help you to achieve sustainable weight release, even if you have felt like this is an impossible battle for you.

This program surprises us every single day due to the results our clients get over and over again when they follow a truly personalized nutritional program.

Tried everything for answers and frustrated that nothing works? Well, book an  initial consultation to discuss Metabolic Balance for you. (N.B. Please read What to Expect before booking an initial consult).


We’ve literally put 100s of people through our Back 2 Basics program. They’ve released weight, fixed their gut, regained energy, and more. Get started on the program, online here.

Guess what? We aren’t perfect! And we don’t expect you to be either! (Refreshing, hey?). Read about our food philosophy here.

Make an Appointment

Katie is currently offering consultations via Zoom/phone only (N.B. Please read ‘What to Expect’ before booking an initial consult), having recently returned from maternity leave. You can book online using the button below or phone (07) 3063 2710.

Availability is limited. In the meantime, you can get started on your journey to health immediately via one of our online programs.

What We Do


In order to practice safely, effectively and with results in mind, appointments are structured as follows:

  • Initial fact finding – 70 minutes allowed. Nicole – $129 Katie-$149
  • All Follow up Consultations – 45 minutes allowed $109

**Please read ‘what to expect’ before booking.