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If you fail to plan…. You plan to fail.

EVERYTHING worthwhile in life requires a plan. And, there is nothing more worthwhile in life than your health! After all… not much in life is actually possible without your health! 

When it comes to food… we believe having a plan is essential. In fact, we are so passionate about food planning and being organised in the kitchen generally, that we argue it should be a skill taught to young teenagers in school.  

There is NO single more important habit to get into for your health than planning your week ahead from a meals perspective. This habit will set you up for success for life.

We TEACH you how too food plan on the Back 2 Basics Program. So if this concept is foreign or overwhelming, jump on the course. After 3 months, it will be as habitual to you as having your morning cup of coffee. To food plan, we recommend each week moving forward, you set aside 5–10 minutes to plan your own (and preferably your family’s) meals and write a shopping list. This will:

  • Save you a tonne of money as you won’t buy unnecessary ingredients you don’t need
  • Yes take a little time initially but save you time mid-week when things are crazy
  • Mean you are less inclined to give up mid week and order take away… you’ve already got a plan for dinner!
  • Encourage you to eat healthy food… provided healthy food is what’s on your plan! 
  • Ensure you are never stuck pondering the question, “What the heck am I going to cook tonight?” (which is a slippery slope to Uber Eats!)

Meal planning also helps to minimise waste. Each week, you should find that you are emptying out your fridge of all the fresh produce you purchased at the beginning of the week. Staples like spices, dried herbs and even some cheeses can be purchased in bulk, so you only have to shop for these items every couple of weeks. The rest of your food will be fresh perishables, preferably from places like the greengrocer, farmer’s market and butchers, as opposed to big supermarket chains.

There are lots of different ways to meal plan, and how you meal plan will depend on you. Perhaps you’ll simply make notes in your phone or write it out on a scrap of paper each week then pop it on the fridge. Or, you might prefer to use our Meal Planning Template which is a downloadable PDF available to those doing the Back 2 Basics course. 

Remember: Don’t over complicate it! Your meal plan doesn’t have to be detailed to a tee if that doesn’t work for you. Find a system that works for you, and stick to it. 

What are you waiting for? Get planning!