
Tag Archives: Skype nutritionists


Realistic Nutritionists LOVE pizza, cheese, and chocolate…..

This is not a joke! Nutritionists, or at least us realistic nutritionists here at The Balanced Nutritionist, love pizza, cheese, and chocolate…. among other things you may think are ‘not nutritionist-approved.’

The 85/15 rule

You see, life is for living and it’s what you do most of the time that matters. Life’s little indulgences are to be enjoyed… mindfully… in amounts that don’t make you feel ill or guilty but still allow the tastebuds a tantalizing experience.

The All or Nothing Approach does not work

The ‘all or nothing’ approach is the alternative. And this fails the ‘long term’ test. All or nothing results in periods of being insanely strict, therefore feeling deprived, often hungry, miserable, and unhappy. A period of ‘nothing’ inevitably follows where one gives up on their nutrition altogether, eats whatever they want, enters a cycle of extreme guilt, feels sick and miserable and eventually ends up back in the ‘all’ stage which is miserable for other reasons! That’s why we as realistic nutritionists believe in balance. You should also refer to our Food Philosophy.

You might be surprised that…
-We often don’t talk about food during consults. We often talk about thoughts, feelings, and emotions associated with food…
We don’t ask you to do scary things like totally give up blue cheese and champagne (that’s called pregnancy and thankfully there’s light at the end of the tunnel, we will cheese and wine again! 🙂
-We don’t judge you. Ever.
-We want to know what YOUR goals are. And then we’ll guide you to get there.

If you’re looking for support from realistic, and human nutritionists to regain health and happiness… particularly post lockdown, we are operating 6 days a week, by Skype/zoom and phone for new clients. Book online or phone(07) 3063 2710.Oh also… are you stuck for healthy, fast, fresh recipes right now? Request a copy of our eBook developed during lockdown! send us an email at appointments@thebalancednutritionist.com.au subject line ‘ebook please.’


If you enjoyed this blog, you will love our latest podcasts around realistic weight loss and mindset for maintenance.

Thanks, folks! Stay safe and well.

Katie, Nicole, Michelle, Karma, and Billie.


Lifelong health starts with small, consistent change.

Many people in our industry are focusing on ‘sensationalized’ results. Let’s face it – the idea of a quick, easy, instant fix is far more enticing than the thought of slow, gradual change, right? But the truth is, as we repeatedly say, there is no magic pill or potion. Lifelong health is the sum of healthy habits you develop repeatedly over time and do consistently.

Why lifelong health? Aren’t you getting a bit sick of following the latest craze? Or getting confused about this week’s article on what’s good for you according to the newspaper? Or riding the merry go round of self sabotage every time you ‘break’ your diet, so you may as well give up all together?

Our specialty is working with people to develop these habits so that they can walk away and continue with lifelong health… instead of seeing the next Nutritionist in a year’s time.

The good news is though, that to achieve lifelong health, it’s what we do 85% of the time that counts. The other 15% is called wine and cheese. 85% of the time, we want GOOD habits. Start with making small changes to your habits… because it will add up to a really big change overall, eventually. The other 15% is  Christmas, birthdays, work stuff that got in the way and life generally. 

So in order to feel great inside and out, you do not have to be perfect every single day. The reality is…. None of us will be perfect day in, day out. 

You need to understand and accept this…. Otherwise, every time you are ‘not perfect’ you’ll just self sabotage and give up on everything all together! 

Does this sound familiar? 

A few weeks back on Facebook we  shared some totally outrageous ‘small changes’ we recommend you make daily…. Did you catch them? They’re simpler than you may think….Here are our top 5 habits to start working on daily in order to get on your way towards lifelong health. 

  1. Drink Water. Daily. At least 2L. 
  2. Move More than you are right now. Daily.
  3. Sleep well. And if you aren’t get some help on this. Its critical.
  4. Eat your veggies. Like life depends on it.
  5. Ditch the white stuff (that’s sugar… not potatoes).

Do you think you could work on these 5 daily habits consistently until they become… habits? It would be a huge step towards lifelong health. Book a consultation if accountability and further guidance is what you need.