
The Nutritionists’ Guide to Christmas

It’s certainly not as boring as you might think! We love Christmas, we love food and we love it when people feel happy and healthy.

Here are some simple tips for having a great festive season, without going overboard.

  1. Whilst we are all for a piece of plum pudding or a lovely dessert here and there, don’t let it slip into becoming an ‘every night in December’ type routine. There are some beautiful fruits around at this time of year – enjoy them. You can even blend up fruits like mango with a bit of yoghurt and make your own ‘nice blocks.’
  2. Just like the before mentioned point. Here’s a really bad idea. Ride the entire month on a sugar induced high of rum balls, boxed chocolates and chips on the side of every work lunch you attend for the next 3 weeks.
    OR continue to put in a little time each day to ensure you get some quality PROTEIN with each and every one of your meals and consciously choose to indulge a couple of times throughout the month instead. Protein will REALLY help you feel fuller and resist every little temptation that your little nose whiffs in the air this festive season.
  3. Water. Water. Water. Stay hydrated peeps. Less water leads to cravings, more alcohol and too much caffeine. Just drink the clear stuff. And for every champagne, wash it down with a glass of pure water afterwards.
  4. Don’t skimp on the green stuff. Most people seem to think vegetables have to be bland and boring. There’s a little eBook available to download below. It has a few little tricks in there to make salads and vegies just a little more interesting like…. did you know you can actually roast cauliflower? Also, how mindblowingly yum do fresh herbs make ANY dish taste? And you know there are other oils besides extra virgin you can use to dress a salad? Oh and don’t get us started on adding FRUIT to salad. YUM.
  5. Remember that its always OK to say no. This may apply directly to nutrition but it’s also a simple reminder that the holiday season is supposed to be just that… a holiday. Remember you can say no to gatherings that won’t serve you, another drink if you don’t want one, a party that you’re simply too tired for….no. Its a powerful little word and it can still be used politely.
  6. Try to keep up some form of exercise routine. And it doesn’t have to be the sweaty kind, it might be yoga, a gentle walk or even a paddle in the pool. Movement will assist you:
    -make better choices when it comes to food this festive season
    -may assist you to remain hydrated if exercise reminds you to drink as you feel thirsty
    -most importantly, provides a social outlet and some way to manage any additional stress you may be feeling. We know how important exercise can be for mental wellbeing.
  7. Breathe. Remember that Christmas is just 1 day. And the time between Christmas and New year is just a week. What’s more important is what you do for the rest of the year. Don’t punish yourself if you feel like you have gone overboard. Just get back on the wagon. Its what we do most of the time that matters.

Oh and finally, for your healthiest and happiest 2020, you might want to consider jumping on our healthy habits challenge for January. Keep an eye on Facebook for how to go about joining in.

And here’s a little Christmas gift for you – our Christmas recipe eBook for some festive inspiration. Click on the button to download  A Merry Balanced Christmas eBook


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